Friday, October 24, 2008,4:32 AM
hmm... this few dae was kind of bored!!
got to work and wake up early!!
but its okay....................... cause need earn more and more and more money...
Thursday, October 16, 2008,7:53 PM
hi!! here again. todays topic is about chalet!!
is from monday to wednesday!!
gosh!! first day went there like...
went to wild wild wet when everyone arrived.
then play here and there. then..... hais...
at 1st thoughts it will be okay de lo...
scae to injure!!
1: scare ah ma scold
2: scare will affect my dance step!!
3: scare scare scare scare scare...... scare next time can't run!! ( haha. jkin. i'm lame!! wateva)
but got to thanks to alot alot alot alot of ppl!!
1: huiling a.k.a babe. she pei mie throughout the pain i went through. although i'm asleep. but i'm aware that there's always some one that came to my leg or so to cover the blanket for me.
2: ivy a.k.a xiaoxifu. she come with the idea of putting ice cube on my foot!! and she even massage for mie. although it's painful. but it's the first time she treat mie so wen rou!! has...
3: mar & pei ling: thanks for purchasing the ice cube and take mie to the sinseh..
4: jacq mummy. i use her face towels to use as my bandage for the first dae. hahas. sorry~
second dae was quite ok lo.
everyone sleep till late.
so bas family went to e hub to shop.
sit feeries wheel and buy my things.
gosh!! i buy wrong thing for myself!!
then bbq..
everyone treat nie well...
all insist mie to sit and really treat mie like a patient!!
but i know they don't want mie to walk around and want mie to rest.
but i still walk (active!!)
hahas.. thanks people. know you girls n guys really care for mie. hahas.
third dae was like hais....
although i din enjoy much of the dae.
but i reali feel sad went leaving the chalet....
rememnber all the lauughter that once fill the room...
remenber the time when everyone fighting for a sleeping space.
remenber the time when everyone place their maggie mee order and waiting to be serve.
once again.... goodbye chalet and goodbye friends.
may we all promote to sec 5 and this dae came again!!
i love you girls and guys who attend the chalet!!
rest well and takecare!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008,6:59 AM
hi everyone!! my post to wil be on my 媳妇(peifen) birthdae!!! hope she really enjoy and live in her's memory!!
see the picture and you will know~
happy dae!!

pei fen birthdae cake!!

i secretly take picture behind pf. ( she doen;t aware of tt!!) haha.


(hees) nice post pf.
hui ling cut hair le!! very cute!! hahas.

woots~ laopo & laopo sing laopo!! hahahahahahs~

gosh!! scary~~~